GFC 2.0 is going to be wild
I'm starting this blog just days after nearly every single central bank that matters has begun a new cycle of monetary easing. As a long time adherent of Austrian economic theory (as the name of this blog suggests) I can't stress how revolting it is to find myself living in a world where every central bank in the world apparently does not understand economics, finance, or even the purpose of money. Alternatively, perhaps they do understand these things quite well and maliciously and purposefully act to undermine them. Take your pick. Truthfully this shouldn't be surprising. Bond markets have been screaming that something is very wrong with the economy since the end of May: "We are worried"--Sincerely, Bond Yields That the Fed won't respond in any meaningful way (by conventional standards) until two months after the fact is of no surprise, after all the Federal Reserve seems to be run either by idiots or willfully malicious people (it's...